Community Life Functioning
Federations of Youth Services​
The Federation of Youth Services (FYS) has years of history working to empower youth and families who have experienced sexual and physical abuse, neglect, and homelessness.
Chosen Kingdom Builders (Mentoring)​
Our amazing team of regulars and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information! (313) 595-7507
The Young Adult Voluntary Foster Care (YAVFC) program provides youth, age 18 to 21, with extended foster care benefits that include financial stipends and case management.
Youth in Transition, (Michigan's name for Federal Chafee funding) is a funding source available to cover expenses related to the development of self-sufficiency for youth who experienced out of home care after the age of 14 and have not yet reached age 23. Eligible expenses must not be covered by any other government or community resources.
The Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative is a partnership between the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The program was created to improve outcomes for youths transitioning from foster care to adulthood.