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The Largest Investment for Kids Aging Out of Foster Care in the History of Our Country

Our groundbreaking initiative to build a housing development of 300+ units will address the housing crisis faced by youth aging out of foster care in Michigan. It will revolutionize the way we combat homelessness and incarceration for this vulnerable population, providing not just housing but complete wraparound support through our Bridge program.

On top of an elevated living experience with 24/7 professional staff and top-of-the-line amenities, we offer on-site support with a range of comprehensive services: 

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Life Skills & Workforce Development

Equipping residents with the skills and resources they need to succeed in life.

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Educational Resources

Supporting educational endeavors, ensuring access to learning opportunities that pave the way for a brighter future. 

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On-Site Therapy

Prioritizing mental health, offering on-site therapy to address the unique challenges faced by youth transitioning from foster care. 

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Parenting Support

Providing invaluable guidance, daycare and resources as they navigate the complexities of parenthood. 

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Legal Services

Addressing any issues that might hinder their progress towards a successful life.

Changing the system one life at a time. 

This housing development is designed to foster upward mobility enabling the transition out of this development and onto a succesful life. Our direct service program, The Bridge, assists young people in changing the trajectory of their life as they enter adulthood. 


By the age of 21, young adults who have aged out of the foster care system will face the following challenges: 


1 in 3 

experience homelessness. 


1 in 6 

experience incarceration. 

When we prove out this model, ending homelessness and incarceration for youth aging out of foster care will be within striking distance.

Join us in making a difference!

Our housing development is not just about providing a roof over heads—it's about creating a supportive community that uplifts, empowers, and inspires.

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