Partnering With The State to Improve The Foster Care System
Kinship Connections Pilot

“Kinship care is the care of children by relatives or, in some jurisdictions, close family friends (often referred to as fictive kin).”1
​The New Foster Care worked with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to bring an adaptation of the A Second Chance, Inc. (ASCI) practice model to Michigan.
The pilot provides supplemental support to the current child protection staff, who identify potential kin caregivers and provide licensing and placement stabilization services.

Fostering Success Michigan
​Fostering Success Michigan is a statewide initiative that aims to increase awareness, access, and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth and alumni of foster care.
Fostering Success Michigan (FSM) was established in 2012 at Western Michigan University as a collaboration of campuses, agencies, and professionals who were interested in figuring out the best ways to support students with experience in foster care in college.
In 2018, FSM transitioned from Western Michigan University to The New Foster Care (TNFC). TNFC provided a bridge for FSM to continue programming, while working to identify a permanent home that would ensure long-term sustainability and an opportunity to scale nationally. In 2021, TNFC provided funding for FSM to transition to Educate Tomorrow. ​

Protective Factors Program for Michigan Families
Protective factors are the strengths that help support families and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. 1
In 2021, through the one-time initial financial support of Casey Family Programs, the ​​Michigan Federation for Children and Families developed a program to support private agency representatives to become certified and deliver the training, “Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work.”
With the generous support of The New Foster Care, The Federation was able to continue to provide the Protective Factors Training Series in FY 2023, and provide a bridge for the Federation to partner with MDHHS to continue providing the Protective Factors Training.